Today’s quote from Thomas Moore’s “A Life at Work”

I enjoy reading and collecting ideas (quotes) that embellish the frameworks I use to try to live effectively. I plan to broadcast those I like most. This is the first:

“Finding your life work is inseparable from maturing as a person and finding your place in society. To mature as a person you have to take considerable time sorting through, taking to heart, and resolving the mistakes and failures that have marked your progress. You have to refine the raw material of your emotions and jagged relationships, learning better how to engage the world effectively. You have to unleash your creativity in realistic ways, grounding your idealism and ambitions in real-world contexts.

You need a spiritual vision, a philosophy of life, and a deep and evolving sense of values. You need close relationships, participation in community, and openness to social need.

With these personal qualities in place, you will glimpse the nature of your life work step-by-step and after a long while get a sense of its arc. Then you can help others find their way.”

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